Civility Experts offers civility training, civility train-the-trainer certification, civility workshops and webinars, business etiquette training, civility books and materials, organizational workplace and civility assessments, “Start a Civility Initiative” kits, social intelligence and cultural competence coaching, keynote presentations, international business etiquette consulting, and much more.
Civility at Work
Civility training has been proven to improve morale, productivity, retention, and even the bottom line. Could incivility be a problem in your workplace or organization? Find out more about our Civility at Work workshops series with Civility Works and Setting Workplace Standards, by downloading our guide.
Business Etiquette
Fine-tune your professional skills, present a polished image, navigate corporate events and more with our Business Etiquette workshops series: Just Plain Rude, Corporate Courtesies, How to Avoid Being a Cocktail Weenie™: Mixing Business with Pleasure and Corporate Dining and Entertaining for Business.
Professional Image
First impressions do matter, but even a polished appearance can be overshadowed by a negative attitude. Master the elements of image, attitude, communication, and confidence! Why not take an online Executive Finishing School Course Civility Experts!
Communication Etiquette
Whether verbal or non-verbal, in person, in print or online, our communications send a message. Learn how to communicate effectively and courteously in any medium with our Communication Etiquette workshop series:Â High Tech Talk and Communicating Confidence and Competence.
Social Intelligence
We’re pleased to offer this exclusive, ground-breaking training in Social IQ. Developed by Lew Bayer, President of Civility Experts Worldwide, these courses are based on research that found that up to 85% of our long-term success in life and work is based on our Social Skills.
Civility News
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The 30% Solution
What would you do with 30% more profit? Research shows that organizations that actively engage in civil communications and foster a culture of civility experience an average 30% increase in retention and profitability. The 30% Solution offer insight about how to build a culture of civility in your workplace.
Get in Touch
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