Civility Experts Interview: Bell Media

Civility Experts discusses civility, it's impact, and answers a few questions on wedding etiquette. Interview with Bell Media. [fusion_soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="150" iframe="true" /]

What’s Your Social I.Q.?

In a Harper’s Magazine article in the 1930s, Edward L. Thorndike maintained that there are three intelligences: abstract, mechanical, and social. He defined social intelligence as the ability to understand others and “act wisely in human relations.” He maintained that social intelligence is different from academic ability and that it is a key element in [...]

Confidence in Modern Business

Competition in modern business is fierce. The strong survive and in many circumstances strong means confident. Confident enough to speak up when you have an opinion, confident enough to walk away from situations that don’t match your integrity, confident enough to walk into a room full of strangers…the potential scenarios are endless. Many professionals who [...]

Networking: Not an Easy Catch!

Although the majority of businesspeople I know think that networking is easy, I have met only a handful of people who are really good at it. Unfortunately, many successful entrepreneurs who manage to weather the storms of start-up and overcome myriad fears related to small business fail to success to the extent they could because [...]

Unfinished Business: The Dreaded Networking Follow Up

All too often we get an idea, maybe a marketing plan or sales strategy, and we’re gung ho and energized for a short time. However, when we don’t see immediate results, we back off or back down, leave things half-done, and move onto the next thing. This is often how many of us approach networking. [...]

Levering Your Social Intelligence

In a Harper’s Magazine article in the 1930s, Edward L. Thorndike maintained that there are three intelligences: abstract, mechanical, and social. He defined social intelligence as the ability to understand others and “act wisely in human relations.” He maintained that social intelligence is different from academic ability and a key element in what makes people [...]

Look, Mom! He has purple hair!

Stating the obvious at inopportune times is something many children do well. Unfortunately, handling those innocent comments at awkward moments is something most parents do not do well. These days, diversity is increasingly common in our homes, communities, workplaces, and countries. As a result, awkward moments happen more and more often. For adults, learning how [...]

The Problem with Email

Communicating internationally by pressing a button, buying and selling online, hosting web-conferences, saving time and money with quick reference Internet research, sending multiple parties information they need in a timely fashion, and sharing files…these are just a few of the modern business uses for the Internet. Technology is changing at a rapid pace and these [...]

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