The “business of civility” can be very rewarding and I’ve enjoyed many measurable professional successess over the years. Lately though I’ve experienced significant, and I have to admit, unexpected rewards in terms of friendship, collaboration, and inspiration from several of my counterparts in the civility and related training industry. While I’ve always understood that one of the outcomes of civility is increased social capital, I never really expected to experience it by way of those who technically should be regarded as my competitors.
More than once over the the past few months I have been overwhelmed by the extent of the sincerity, kindness, collaborative effort and civility extended to me, and others, by some my colleagues. I have also been encouraged by the professionalism and integrity that they consistently exhibit- making all of us civility sorts look good!
I feel compelled to write about a few of these people who in my estimation really do “walk the talk” when it comes to fostering civility.
- Firstly, to my 17 co-authors in The Power of Civility– thank you all for choosing to collaborate on what has turned out to be an amazing book. Just the act of sharing authorship, never mind your intellectual property, with me- and the other co-authors, in spite of each of us being competition in her own way, is hugely generous. Special mention to Suzanne Nourse of Protocol School of Ottawa, who kindly gives me her time and attention to me every time I’m in Ottawa- and on my last visit actually took the jewellry right off her neck and gave it to me, just because I admired it- who does that?
- Louise Fox of Etiquette Ladies and – I applaud you for your courage and grace this past year through difficult times and the loss of your dear mother. Regardless of what’s going on in your life you are an ongoing support and friend but also a reliable and trustworthy business partner. Always so well-turned out too-as beautiful outside as on the inside.
- Sue Jacques, the Civility CEO (if you haven’t visited her site you must!) who I have had the pleasure of meeting and even exchanged clients with a time or two, who I hear about- via web or 3rd party clients and colleagues far more often than I care to admit (from a competitor’s standpoint) and not once, in 12 years, have I heard even the teeniest negative thing said about her, or by her….How many of us can say that?
- My new affiliate in the Philippines, Olen Juarez-lim, who is one of the most effective communicatiors I know. She navigates cultural and communication barriers with ease. There is a marked authenticity about her and her enthuasism and positivity are palpable.
- Wendy Deming at Gulf Coast Community Foundation who I don’t get to speak with often but who is a true maverick in the field of civility. Her inititiative model set the bar and her vision for creating and fostering a community civility initiative, and her courage to start the conversation have inspired me and given me new direction as I forge ahead breaking new ground in terms of civility initiatives.
- And last but not least, Yasmin Anderson Smith who to me exemplifies character- always patient, always serving others, always acting with integrity and talk about focus…yikes!
I should stop now…so much for limiting blogs to 300 word. Anyway, thank you my civil colleagues!